Before starting SpringBoot, Let me tell you, How did I find Spring Boot.
I have started my career with Play Framework. Play is popular for its simplicity. Play almost required no configuration. It does not need to write any XML, yes, I repeat No XML.
Play by default provides below things:
1. DataSource - Hikaricp
2. Logger - SLF4J with LogBack
3. Dependency Injection - Google Juice
4. Build tool - SBT (Simple Build Tool)
The play comes with Scala and Java. It supports Non-blocking IO.
After exploring play enough, I have started working on Spring rest (Jersy) with Angular. For play developer, it's difficult to write boiler code for Spring. Spring required a lot of boiler code.
I have started exploring seed projects for Spring, I found few useful (To avoid writing boiler code).
While watching one of the Devoxx videos, I came to know about SpringBoot. I started Exploring Spring Boot example. I was very Happy With SpringBoot. It required almost Zero Boiler code.
1. No Need of Tomcat.
2. No Need to write XMLs
Within a few minutes, I was able to create a simple SpringBoot application with HelloWorld rest API. It's almost like working with Play framework again.
SpringBoot comes with Maven, Gradle. I choose Gradle, as, I was already familiar with Maven.
To understand SpringBoot, I have developed the REST API for the retail manager.
The problem statement is as Below:
A basic Spring Boot Application for the retail manager. Shops are stored in the Java in the memory map. Nearby shops can be retrieved by providing latitude and longitude of a customer. The distance between customer and shop is calculated by Haversine formula! The latitude and longitude of a shop are calculated using Google map API.
I have pushed all the code to Github:
Let's understand springBoot. SoringBoot provides annotations to specify controller, model, service layer.
public class BootRetailManager {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
This is the starting point of SpringBoot. @SpringBootApplication annotation loads components required for springBoot. @ComponentScan("com.retailmanager") - annotation by default scans spring components in child package, or, we can specify package.
@Controller annotation to specify controller. @RequestMapping("/shop") used to create route for the request.
GoogleApiUrlBuilder googleApiUrlBuilder;
@Autowired annotation to do dependency injection.
public class ShopDaoImpl implements ShopDao
@Component annotation to indicate this is the class is an auto scan component. @ComponentScan find out the bean (annotated with @Component) and register it in Spring container.
We have different annotations like @Service, @RestController etc, I have not used those. Rest of code is preety simple. (DAO layer).
Happy Learning!
I have started my career with Play Framework. Play is popular for its simplicity. Play almost required no configuration. It does not need to write any XML, yes, I repeat No XML.
Play by default provides below things:
1. DataSource - Hikaricp
2. Logger - SLF4J with LogBack
3. Dependency Injection - Google Juice
4. Build tool - SBT (Simple Build Tool)
The play comes with Scala and Java. It supports Non-blocking IO.
After exploring play enough, I have started working on Spring rest (Jersy) with Angular. For play developer, it's difficult to write boiler code for Spring. Spring required a lot of boiler code.
I have started exploring seed projects for Spring, I found few useful (To avoid writing boiler code).
While watching one of the Devoxx videos, I came to know about SpringBoot. I started Exploring Spring Boot example. I was very Happy With SpringBoot. It required almost Zero Boiler code.
1. No Need of Tomcat.
2. No Need to write XMLs
Within a few minutes, I was able to create a simple SpringBoot application with HelloWorld rest API. It's almost like working with Play framework again.
SpringBoot comes with Maven, Gradle. I choose Gradle, as, I was already familiar with Maven.
To understand SpringBoot, I have developed the REST API for the retail manager.
The problem statement is as Below:
A basic Spring Boot Application for the retail manager. Shops are stored in the Java in the memory map. Nearby shops can be retrieved by providing latitude and longitude of a customer. The distance between customer and shop is calculated by Haversine formula! The latitude and longitude of a shop are calculated using Google map API.
I have pushed all the code to Github:
Let's understand springBoot. SoringBoot provides annotations to specify controller, model, service layer.
public class BootRetailManager {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
This is the starting point of SpringBoot. @SpringBootApplication annotation loads components required for springBoot. @ComponentScan("com.retailmanager") - annotation by default scans spring components in child package, or, we can specify package.
@Controller annotation to specify controller. @RequestMapping("/shop") used to create route for the request.
GoogleApiUrlBuilder googleApiUrlBuilder;
@Autowired annotation to do dependency injection.
public class ShopDaoImpl implements ShopDao
@Component annotation to indicate this is the class is an auto scan component. @ComponentScan find out the bean (annotated with @Component) and register it in Spring container.
We have different annotations like @Service, @RestController etc, I have not used those. Rest of code is preety simple. (DAO layer).
Happy Learning!
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